Saturday, December 23, 2006

Did you ever wonder...?

So, maybe you're wondering just how we're going to spend that hour-and-a-half on Mondays considering "THE BIBLE." If you are, here's the plan:

12:00 - Show up, Come in, Hang up your coat, Get out your lunch, Chat
12:15 - THE BIBLE: 101 - or The Bible for Dummies - or Bible Background Basics - call it what you like.
1:00 - Lectio Divina (a spiritual practice of "listening" to the Bible in community)
1:20ish - 1:30- Wrap up, Dash out, or Pour another cup of tea and bide your time until my kids come home or you need to go pick up yours, or get to that doctor's appointment, or whatever.

So, maybe you're wondering if you don't have a Bible which one of the myriad translations you should dash out and buy.
I wouldn't do that. I've got a few extra copies here if we need them and they're all different translations based out of different languages. See, the deal is that every 'translation' is really just as much a different interpretation - so they kinda make a point with the way the translation is spun....but that doesn't mean they aren't each valid in their own right. If this all sounds like gobbledy-gook then, well, that's why you're coming to this thing, right? Ok, so my advice is this: If you have a Bible, whether it's well-worn, highlighted and underlined, or whether it's got to be dug out of a box in the basement or pulled off a high shelf and the dust blown off - then fine...bring it along. However, if you don't have a Bible handy, then just wait. You'll be happier making a choice when you're more informed and in the meantime, we're all grownups - we can share.

So, maybe you're wondering if you're going to be the only male/single/over 60/under 30/GLBT/divorced/addicted/person of color/wiccan at this thing.
Maybe. So what? This isn't an affinity group just for PLUs (People Like Us). This is a community thing where anyone who has questions and wants to explore new understandings for themselves with a group of people who are open to questions and the questioners - whomever they may be - can come and find a place and time set apart just for this purpose. So ALL ARE WELCOME. Period.

So, maybe you're wondering if this could happen in the evening instead of the daytime.
Maybe. I'm open to suggestions. Actually, it doesn't have to be either-or, it can be both-and. It's just that since this is new, I didn't want to overdo it and set up two groups and then have only two people show up and think "this sucks." So, instead, I'm setting up one group for now - but I'm totally open to working with you on this. Just let me know.

So, maybe you're wondering why I didn't advertise child care for this.
Again, I'm open. I've got room in my house for a few little people but we'd need to come up with a plan for that and I didn't want to get something all set up and then find out that no one needed it. And, of course - it's your call as to how nearby you'd like to have your kids as you engage in some grown-up time. Will they really let you think if they know you're in the next room? Maybe they will - maybe they won't. Will you be able to concentrate on the subject at hand if they're not in the next room? Maybe you will, maybe you won't. Hey, I get it. I really do - my three kids have been dragged everywhere with me including seminary classes and dinner parties. Other times, I couldn't get far enough away. (Have you ever taken the phone into the bathroom and locked the door so you could attempt to have a conversation uninterrupted? I thought so. My daughter even thought to have a telephone conversation you had to be walking around at a pretty good clip!) So, do what you've gotta do but please let me know in advance so we can plan accordingly.

So, maybe you're wondering if you'll dig this "mystical" lectio divina thing that we'll be doing too, or if it will just seem weird.
You'll never know til you try, will you? If you've made it this far, then just showing up is the next step. Once here, I'll trust you to be a grown-up and give it the old college try. If you find that it's really not your thing after a couple of times, then bow out after the Bible 101 thingy - no harm, no foul. This is about finding something for you that helps you move along in your journey. Take responsibility for it. Own it. You won't hurt my feelings.

What else are you wondering?
Let me know. I'll try to answer all reasonable questions - and maybe even a silly one or two.

Email me.

1 comment:

Catherine said...

What a lovely smart blog, RevMo [sorry, The Reverend Mother is a mouthful but good!].

I think I will tag you and feel free to wander into southern Oregon for a looksee at my Episcopal blog as well. Welcome to the neighborhood!
